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Pumpkin as a Booster for Skin and Health

by Verena Prantl |

Everyone has probably carved a pumpkin before and then tried to give it a particularly scary grin. That was just part of our association to a pumpkin as a kid. But otherwise you might not be very keen on having anything to do with a pumpkin - you do not know how exactly to cook it, and let's be honest: having pumpkin soup everyday is boring.

The pumpkin is a particularly healthy vegetable that is often underestimated. With a unquestionable explosion of healthy ingredients, the pumpkin can score really well. If you prepare it properly, it’s also ideal for a fast meal, working person’s quick meals and for young families, a complete supper which everyone can enjoy.

What is in it that makes it is so healthy?

There is a reason why the orange vegetables are used, especially during the autumn and winter months: the vitamin C contained in them boosts our immune system and prevents flu or colds from getting near you. The rich, orange color of the peel suggests that in addition to vitamin C there is also plenty of beta-carotene in it - an important pro vitamin that then gets converted into vitamin A by the body. Apart from that, the pumpkin also contains calcium and potassium, along with vitamin B6 and zinc.

Those who do not have enough vitamin rich foods for themselves and plan on helping their skin with pumpkin alone should definitely try our NAVI pore-refining hydro-emulsion. It contains many important minerals and enzymes for a beautiful complexion and visibly reduces the size of pores! It also prevents blackheads!

Pumpkin seeds: Power snack for the skin

Did you know that pumpkin seeds make you happy? Oh yes, they contain the amino acid tryptophan, which is involved in the production of serotonin, better known as happiness hormone. In addition, they also have a particularly high content of vitamin A. This vitamin has anti-inflammatory properties and promotes the formation of new cells, as well as the regeneration of our skin. This means that vitamin A has anti-ageing effects on our skin. However, pumpkin seeds are not only rich in vitamin A, but also in vitamin E, which also prevents the ageing process of the skin. In addition to the fact that the skin surface is smoothed, Vitamin E is also known to reduce damage caused by UV rays. Besides the fact that - fat free roasted and salted pumpkin seeds also taste incredibly good, whether in a salad or on a fresh piece of wholemeal bread.

Our Tip: If you want to protect yourself in advance against harmful UV radiation and other pollutants that are present in the air, you should apply the NAVI Anti-Pollution Hydro-Day Cream by Doris Wagner Cosmetics in the morning. It protects the skin from the daily hardships that it usually has to endure unprotected in the city.

Halloween: A fun feast for the whole family

Now we know that the pumpkin has a lot more to it than what meets the eye. It is not only healthy, because both its flesh and its seeds have a positive influence on our stressed skin. If you just take the time on the weekend and cut a pumpkin into small pieces and close it an airtight container, then you can quickly access it even during the week - and save yourself even some time.

On Halloween, however, we take the time to carve pumpkins together with our children and maybe even cook the pumpkin meat together afterwards. Or when we treat ourselves to a good glass of wine with friends and co-workers, while the children work around the orange vegetables and grimaces or paint it. Also the comfortable company has a positive effect on us - finally you have time to breathe again between all of the daily stress, you can laugh together and have a warm pumpkin soup. With a face mask from NAVI Revitalizing Hydro-Night Cream by Doris Wagner Cosmetics, you can treat your skin with an extra dose of peace and nutrients at night.

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